This week, our CEO and founder finished up his 6 week Absperiment ? wheeew ? just in time to find out what?s really?in his hot dog. The Greatist Team hit the outdoor playground for some sweat-inducing circuits, and learned how pros like Holley Mangold and Curtis Williams tackle training sessions. With it being social wellness month and all, come on, get hap-PY! Hit up the nearest food truck (so long as it made our list of the healthiest ones cruising across the states), and get a newfangled caffeine kick with one of our unexpected reasons to love the stuff! ? Nicole McDermott
Photo by Jordan Shakeshaft
The 26 Healthiest Food Trucks in America
While we only wish we could head out on a food truck road trip to try all of these healthy, innovative meals on wheels, we compiled a list instead. Here are the 26 healthiest food trucks cruising around the good ol? U.S. of A.
Atlanta Bans Public Cigarette Smoking. Will it Make Us Healthier?
Atlanta recently banned smoking in public parks. Is the ban an effective way to keep parks clean, or is it doing little more than ostracizing smokers?
Recipe: Pan-Seared Fish Tacos
These fresh fish tacos are perfect for a hot summer night. The flavors of the fish with the peaches, cilantro, and avocado brighten up any dinner table.
14 Tips to Get Happy for Social Wellness Month
July is Social Wellness month, and what better way to celebrate than with 14 fun, healthy tips? So take a read and put a smile on that face.
15 Unexpected Reasons to Love Caffeine
The best part of waking up? is realizing that morning caffeine jolt can actually be good for our health. Here are our 15 favorite articles on coffee, tea, and everything else caffeinated. Grab a mug and enjoy!
Superfood: Chia
Funny hairdos aren?t all chia?s good for. Ch-ch-ch-choose these little black seeds for protein, calcium, antioxidants, and a whole bunch of other vitamins and minerals.
Links We Love: The Strongest 10-Year-Old in the World (and More)
Ready for some weekend link-love? From why weird experiences boost our creativity to a 99 pound powerlifter, we?ve found our favorite links from around the web.
Joey Chesnut on How to Eat 60 Hot Dogs in 10 Minutes
It?s National Hot Dog Day, so while you?re taking a cheat day by eating one, why not learn how the best competitive hot dog eater scarfs these tubular treats?
What?s Really in My Hot Dog
Happy National Hot Dog Day! To celebrate, we decided to uncover what?s?really?in those dogs and give you some, erm, better alternatives.
Recipe: Cauliflower Crust Pizza
Mix up the pizza game with this interesting take on a classic italian dish that uses grated cauliflower as the crust. Buono appetite!
The 25 Most Inspiring Olympic Moments of All Time
With the London 2012 Summer Olympics just one day away, what better time to celebrate the most awe-inspiring moments seen on the world stage? Here are Greatist?s picks.
Are Hot Workouts Safe?
With all the hot workout hype, should you take your fitness to the Sahara or take a chill pill instead? Read on to see if turning up the heat can really do a body good.
Does Carb Loading Really Work?
Pre-race pasta parties sure sound like a fun way to enjoy the night before the race. But does carb loading really work, and how can we use it to achieve peak performance?
Six-Pack Abs in Six Weeks #Absperiment: It?s Over
Greatist?s founder went on a six-pack abs in six weeks challenge, and he?s ready for his big reveal. Read on to see how he did (slideshow included!).
The Best #imagreatist Fitness Tips
Power walking, strength training, century rides? Half marathons, interval training, yoga? What else? Here are our favorite fitness tips and feats of the week, brought to you by the Greatist community.
Live Like a Pro: Olympic Weightlifter Holley Mangold
She?s one of the strongest women in the world with a pedigree to back it up. Learn more from weightlifting phenom Holley Mangold as she prepares for the 2012 Games.
We Did It: East River Park Outdoor Gym
This past week, The Greatist Team headed over to East River Park in NYC to test out the track and outdoor gym.
In the Gym with Curtis Williams, NFL Pro-Turned-Trainer
Ready to train like a pro ? a former NFL pro? Yeah, us too. Read on for an inside look at NYC trainer Curtis Williams ? exclusive speed and agility workout included!
Is it OK to Have a Fetish?
Sneezes, feet, and armpit hair. Some people take it to the extreme in the bedroom, but is there anything wrong with having a fetish?
Do You Believe in Magic? Interview with Matthew Hutson
From unlucky black cats to energy healing, superstition plays a huge role in human life. We asked Matthew Hutson, author of The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking, to tell us why.
Are You Sabotaging Your Sleep?
With life?s stressors waiting around every turn, it?s tough to get enough quality sleep. Here are four ways to keep those problems at bay and get some good ole shuteye.
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